Enrollment Process

Enrollment Process

Mount Bethel Christian Academy is proud to provide an exceptional education that equips students with valuable skills and Christian principles that last a lifetime. We welcome you to enroll now by following the steps outlined below.

School Visit

We encourage all parents to schedule a tour of the school and meet with Administration and the prospective teacher (if available). This will provide greater insight into making a sound decision. To schedule an appointment click here or call us at (954) 462-0255.

Online Application

Complete an enrollment application (see below online process), then pay the registration fee. Note: paying the registration fee is the only assurance of securing an available spot.

Registration & Tuition Fees

There is a $225 (non-refundable/non-transferable) registration fee for all students K3 thru 8th grade. Mount Bethel Christian Academy makes every effort to keep tuition affordable. To review Tuition fees click here or the icon to the left. For information on financial aid or scholarships, visit our page on Financial Assistance.

Await Assignment

After completing your enrollment application, specific instructions will be given about proper classroom etiquette, curriculum, supplies, etc.

Online Enrollment Center

To use our online enrollment process for first time students, please follow and complete the 4 steps below. For questions, or to arrange a school tour, we invite you to contact admissions at: (954) 462-0255.


Assemble your original documents.


Read the Parent/Student Handbook.


Complete and sign school PDF forms.


Upload the required forms, complete and submit your application.

Step 1: Assemble Original Documents

Due to privacy and security issues, there are a few key original documents you will need to submit in person in order to enroll your student at Mount Bethel Christian Academy. 

To help you get organized, you can use the check-list below to gather all required original documents together and set them aside for delivery to our enrollment office.  

Students cannot be enrolled without these documents. 

Step 2: Read the Student / Parent Handbook

The Student/parent handbook will provide you a good overview of Mount Bethel Christian Academy's programs, standards, requirements and expectations for students and their parents. We recommend you read it before submitting the application. Parents planning to submit an enrollment application will need to read and acknowledge by signature in the application that they have read this document.

Please read about our policies and requirements for students and parents PRIOR to enrolling at Mount Bethel Christian Academy.

Step 3: Download and Complete these Documents

The below PDF forms need to be completed in their original format. To complete and submit these forms online, click the PDF download button and print. Complete the form, scan and attach when prompted when you submit your Enrollment Application below. Alternatively, you may deliver them in  person, or email to us at admissions@mymbca.org, making sure you include your child’s name in the subject line.

Step 4: Complete & Submit the Enrollment Application

Press the button below to begin your application. At the conclusion, You will be prompted to upload the signed PDF's from Step 3 above before you press "submit". If more time is needed, you can pause your application and come back to it.

We welcome your visit to Mount Bethel Christian Academy

"Mount Bethel Christian Academy provides an outstanding education that lasts a lifetime. We look forward to meeting you and your student!"

If you haven’t already, please make an appointment to schedule a tour of Mount Bethel Christian Academy. We’re eager to meet you and learn more about your student, and to share everything Mount Bethel has to offer.  We’ll help you with all the next steps.

Call admissions at (954) 462-0255 for an appointment.